When you open the uninstaller, it asks you if you would like to remove all traces (preferences, etc.) In the MAMP Pro folder, there is an ‘uninstaller’. When you download MAMP, you get a MAMP Pro trial, also. If you have proof that MAMP doesn’t actually put files anywhere (besides the /MAMP dir), then that’s as good an answer as any! How to solve this problem? Solution no. What files does MAMP add to a system when it’s installed, and where are they? sock files somewhere, or otherwise made a mess in my file system. I’ve done the obvious thing and removed the MAMP directory from my Applications folder, however, I don’t like wandering files, and I have an itching feeling that MAMP put some. For reasons that we won’t discuss, I have determined that MAMP is a pile of crap that haunts my system, and unless I remove it fully, I will live in shame.