You do not need to install any additional third-party software applications or plugins to use JAWS MathML support. Once JAWS is installed, you can immediately begin reading math and science content. In addition, math expressions are also displayed with highlighting in the Math Viewer as they are spoken, so sighted teachers can assist students who are using JAWS to study math. If a refreshable braille display is connected, JAWS also shows math expressions on the display using the Nemeth Braille code, a widely used system for reading math in braille.
Students will benefit from hearing JAWS describe mathematical expressions as their teachers and peers do.
JAWS provides spoken, natural-language descriptions of MathML expressions in Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Firefox using the same terms a teacher would use to explain them in a classroom. MathML is a language for including mathematical content on web pages, enabling browsers to present math and science equations and formulas as they would appear on paper. Access to MathML Content Rendered in Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Firefox JAWS is compatible with the latest Windows® operating systems, including touch screens and gestures on Windows 10. With JAWS, you can work with Microsoft® Office®, including Word®, Excel®, Outlook®, and PowerPoint® Internet Explorer®, Firefox®, Adobe® Reader®, Lotus® Symphony™ by IBM®, and more.